A home in Colorado

I am excited to finally be able to share photos of a large commission piece I’ve been working on that is now living in Telluride Colorado.  This piece is one of the largest commissions I took on in 2018.  My Collectors share my love for nature and of course bison! They shared only where the finished painting would ultimately hang and requested a bison be the main focal point of the piece. The rest was up to me.  

That can be liberating and scary at the same time!  In this case I loved the freedom to let my mind go and create a story and a place for this fella to live in.  In order to create the big reveal for my Collectors I actually had to nail it to the side of my homes exterior!  They were thrilled and of course that is always a relief and a very happy moment after months of painting.  We decided to roll it up into a tube and sent it on its way to Colorado where it was stretched and hung on a big, blank second story wall.  Now he has a view if the Colorado landscape and is a focal point upon entering this beautiful home.  I couldn’t be more pleased.

This piece is titled “He Leadeth Me Beside Still Waters” 


Wise Woman series


2017 Dripping Springs Vodka Texas wildlife label contest winner "Texas Roadrunner"